Batman Bridge in Tasmania
One of the lighthouses at the Gordon River in Tasmania
Henty Dunes in Tasmania
Apparently most photographers are a bunch of secretive people and I am no exception, now. Hmm... very strange. I am not saying that I am a photographer as a profession but I do have a passion for it and this I think is the reason I have this blog. I want to record my experiences through my images and share them to everyone who reads my blog. It is no point keeping the pictures to myself. It is a space for discussions and opinions for anything from gears to life experiences.
It is funny it turned out this way because when I was younger, I used to think that I could just own a good camera phone to replace a digital camera. Obviously at that time I needed a good phone more than a good camera because as I said I needed it to contact my friends and I text message a lot, sometimes just to chat out of boredom. Don't we all as teenagers? Right now my phone is barely used and I don't call people that much anymore. I don't text people for the sake of chatting anymore too.
Shot Factory at Melbourne Central
I enjoy taking photos and capturing the moments more, becoming a voyeur now. Being physically there at the precise moment can never replace an image. But once that moment is gone, we tend to forget it. It would be great if our eyes were the lenses which they are and our brains are the camera which they aren't.. haha. We can interpret what we see and record faint glimpses of our memories in our brains but we cannot relive them. Photographs are the closest thing we have to relive those wonderful moments. Of course video is much better, but that is another topic all together.
Autism Awareness Day in Melbourne
My blog is going to be about my photo journey of my life, camera gears and gadget reviews and my take on certain things in life. Come back for more.
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